What is a SERVO

Pretty self explanatory question. Why do we need it ? im assembling a Bixler 2.0 from hobby king. Got the R/c transmitter and receiver and 5000mAh battery so far. Awaiting AMP 2.5 and 3DR telemetry set.


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  • If you have never flown an R/C plane before. I recommend that you do not put the APM in the Bixler until you learn to fly it manually. Unless you know someone who can install it for you, otherwise it will just be too complicated for an inexperienced flyer. I can almost guarantee something will be hooked up backwards and when you try to let the APM save it, a crash will occur.


  • I'm using 2x 1.3A 3S and fly for 30 minutes without doing any effort to save the battery. I prefer 2x battery for backup (I have lost 2 airplane in my life because battery die in flight). Also, because Bixler don't have much space you could stack battery vertically to get more space.

    There are almost no extra space into fuselage, that will be almost inpossible to put 5A without doing many modification to the airframe, but it's not impossible.

    The stock motor is not really powerfull so that could be a choke point.

    So, don't take it bad but if you try to fly an RC airplane without having flying skill you will just crash it for nothing. You need a simulator or someone that could teach you how to fly. That's not a matter of "knowing" how an airplane fly, what matter is how your muscular memory is trained.

    You shall not "think" before doing an action while flying, you need to do it automatically, you can't get that without training.

    Thrust me, I learned everything the hard way, costly and useless.

    Buy a good simulator, that's cheaper than destroy a single airplane.

    Good luck, I hope everything will be fine, that's fun :D

    Ps : I suggest you go put scotch tape arround Canopy, magnet are not strong enought.
  • Moderator

    Good luck flying with out them, like trying move your arms without muscles. BTW, 5000mAh for Bixler 2 is way too big.

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    Ali, a couple of moments with Google will give you your answer. You must have a full understanding of what you are building otherwise you are going to run into problems when flying. Do you have a flight sim? Flying Model Simulator is a very good free one http://modelsimulator.com/

    I'm going to modify your post title as this is a family show here.

    To answer your question, servos move the control surfaces via a wire or wood link. So yes you need them.

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