This would be a question for Jason, but anyone else who knows the code could explain this feature?Looks like it will engage stabilize roll and pitch on certain amount of input.if(abs(g.rc_1.control_in) >= ACRO_RATE_TRIGGER){output_rate_roll(); // rate control yaw}else{output_stabilize_roll(); // hold yaw}In the APM_config.h Jason writes://#define ACRO_RATE_TRIGGER 4200// if you want full ACRO mode, set value to 0// if you want mostly stabilize with flips, set value to 4200Stabilize with FLIPS?!?? mmmmmm sounds interesting...Anyone can explain?Cheers,Emile
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it means that if you make large movements on your sticks, your quad will switch to acro mode (for making flips)
when you let the sticks go, it will go back into stabalize