I'm quite confused about the GPS accuracy and the Loiter position accuracy.

By googling, I see that we can expect something like a 2 meter accuracy for a good GPS module, like Ublox LEA-6H. However, on YouTube, I see in some APM2 Loiter videos that their quadcopters looks more stable than that. And those are just APM2, not Pixhawk, which is capable of doing a EKF processing. 

I tested my own LEA-6H out door on a fixed ground, and see a slow drift of the position in about 3 meter range, 9 satellites locked. Is it the range of drifting I should expect when switch to Loiter mode?


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  • Another guess is that because of the PIDs, the quadcopter doesn't make an immediate reaction to the position change, so the actual drift of the quadcopter is not that much as the positioning drift. Is that the case? 

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