What to get?

Hi everyone,

My name is Nickolas, and I'm new here.  We are starting a new Unmanned vehicle systems course here at EMU, and I plan to do my senior/honors thesis project on the topic of UAVs.  We are looking into what hardware to get for our course/project.  The 2 vehicles DIY drones recommends do not have some of the features we want.  We are looking for a fully featured vehicle with as many features as possible, including:

-Fully automated, from take off to landing.  (That means landing gear)

-Complete tracking and communications.

-Camera integration.  (is it possible to use the camera to avoid colliding with something like a water tower?)

-We want to explore different material options besides just foam.

-Electric motor, or Gas with a generator (I'm fond of electric myself)

-Fairly large size.

-Good payload capacity.

-High range (Is a few miles possible?)


I figured we would use the Ardupilot/Arduplane electronics.

The first vehicle my professor looked at was a Penguin B.  I almost had a heart attack when I saw the price tag.  He said we may buy one of those, but we want options to get 5 or 6 of a less expensive model for the class.  

The following caught my eye, but as I have no experience with this stuff yet, I thought I should make this post.

Spektrum Alpha models. http://www.hangar-9.com/products/default.aspx?prodid=han4400

Telemaster Oversize series from Hobby Lobby. http://www.hobby-lobby.com/6_foot_telemaster_electro_arf_v2_oversize_1034835_prd1.htm

Penguin B: http://www.uavfactory.com/prodcat/1

Super hornet :http://www.hobby-lobby.com/erc_f_a_18e_super_hornet_90mm_arf_jet_oversize_532911_prd1.htm

What do you think of those?  Maybe you have some recommendations?  

The general Idea I had for my project was to have a neon green colored ground area for take off and the drone would seek out a neon orange colored area where it would either land, pick up materials, or drop off materials.  Can this be done?

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  • hi,


    I am interested in doing a similar project. however I want to use the Hangar 9 or the nextstar select ARF trainer, both are gas engines. I want to use the udrones, arduautopilot with sonar/collision avoidance sensor, altitude sensor, gps e.t.c/ I appologise in advance if this has already been discussed on the forum, but how would I go babout connecting the autopilot to these models?



  • I think we may go with this drone:


    As well as the APM 2.0 with xbee, and some kind of camera.

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