I have a Spektrum Dx6i transmitter, and a ready to fly hexacopter from 3d robotics.  If I make the mistake of turning off my transmitter before the lipo battery on the hexacopter is unplugged, the hexacopter will rev up to full throttle and take off into the air.  Quite scary.

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  • My Spektrum AR6210 receiver failsafe is minimum throttle with TX loss (Smartsafe Fail-safe)

    Check your manual on setting that or....try the APM failsafe setup also.

    I recommend shutdown checklist to include:

    • previous shutdown tasks...
    • DISARM (throttle down and left -- holding until LED indicates) APM
    • pull ARM switch/plug on aircraft (See THIS)
    • disconnect LiPo


  • Developer

    How did you set you receiver failsafe ?

    You can have informations here.


    Do not confuse receiver and APM failsafes. APM Throttle failsafe is linked to your receiver failsafe, but they are not the same thing.


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