Where do all the wires go??

Ok, so I feel about as dumb as a box of rocks when I'm sitting here looking at all these wires. I have recently purchased a Cheerson CX20, that has a Cheerson (Blue Star) Flight Controller. I decided I would purchase an APM Pro mini to upgrade it with (because I'm cheap and ignorant.) But, go figure, no instructions came with it to tell me how to connect the thing. I have no idea what the majority of the letters stand for nor where to connect the wires to since it's totally different than what the Cheerson looks like. Can someone please guide me to where I can find out how to connect this up?

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  • I've done the same thing and report slightly more sucess, in that my cx20 flew, but the motors get hot on one side...

    If you are still stuck, maybe we can compare wiring notes?

  • Maybe the flash on the esc's needs to be updat. And have u gone through the gcs to try and reprogram the controller and rest the throttel values
    • Sorry Kris, too new to this to know exactly what you're talking about. Can you break that down into simple language that this newbie can understand? Here's where I'm at right now.

      I've completed the initial set up in Mission Planner about 6 times now, with limited success each time. I've not lost complete control of the throttle.

       I've set and calibrated everything in Mission Planner and it all appears as though it's working. All controls responded. GPS and Compass showed on HUD with great accuracy. 
      A few observations that seem odd to me:
      1. There is only one dim red LED on the left side
      2. It seems as though my controller is mating up with the radio immediately without having to arm it. (I'm judging that by the red light on the little white box that goes from flashing to solid when I turn on the radio)
      3. I have no throttle, pitch or yaw control when not connected to the computer
      4. I still have auxiliary control, which tells me the radio is mated.

      I'm not sure if this is a Firmware issue that I'm having with the APM Pro or a wire issue.



  • Ok, so here's an update. I finally figured out the wiring. However, I'm not getting control from my throttle. It seems to me like the motors are running at about 50% or nothing; they don't seem to be running at full power nor can I adjust their speed. Any Ideas?

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