I have a lot of questions as I am learning about the ArduXXXX world. Is this the best place to ask them or the forums over on the ArduPilot site?
Here are just a few of my questions:
- Why 2 sites (DIYDrones and Ardupilot)?
- What is MissionPlanner vs. APM Planner 2? Which is the going-forward product?
- Why did Arduino support stop? I can compile and load the latest versions of ArduRover and AntennaTracker for the Mega but they don't work (I understand that AC & AP don't fit).
1) There are many community sites, and as projects grow out of broad sites like this they tend to migrate to more focused sites of their own, such as ArduPilot.org and Dronecode.com
2) Mission Planner, APM Planner, QGroundControl (QGC) and Tower are all ground control stations. Mission Planner is actively developed but Windows-only. Most people use QGC for Mac and Linux. Tower is Android.
3) Once the projects became more sophisticated, they had to move to the ARM chips (Cortex M4 and up) for processing power, memory and compiler abilities. That happened years ago, and today Arduino is no longer used for pro-level robotics projects, which either require more powerful chips or Linux.
For ArduPilot questions, I'd suggest the ArduPilot forums.