Where should I start?


I am completely new to the arduino community, and have been itchin' to try out arduino. I still haven't ordered a kit still because of a couple of questions:

1. what kit should I order?
                - Im completely new to this.
                - U.S. Based company
                - Open to any price

2. how easy is it to learn how to do stuff?
                 -I dont have previous electronic or coding experience, how difficult will arduino be for me?

I have many ideas, but dont have the experience or hardware to make those ideas come to life, and I would appreciate any suggestions by any of you arduino savvy members out there! Thank You!

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  • Ok, is it a good idea to order a book? If yes which one: Getting Started with Arduino By Massimo Banzi or Practical Arduino (Jon Oxer & Hugh Blemings) ? Im goin to order my arduino and some tools tomorrow.
  • Damn, i should of started last year when i saw my friend playin with it.
  • I'm leaning towards just Arduino right now, and maybe autopilot a little bit later. So how was it learning how to use arduino at first?
  • 3D Robotics
    Adafruit has a great experimenter's starter kit.
  • Developer
    Are you looking to learn arduino or pilot an RC Airplane with an autopilot?
    If Arduino, start with http://www.arduino.cc/ and start reading. Also get a basic USB Arduino board from Sparkfun.
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