Currently working on an AHRS for my netduino tricopter and can't decide which accelerometer to go with, either the BMA180 from bosch or the well known ADXL345 as far as I can tell the BMA180 is the more accurate and sensitive of the two as well as being temperature compensated and has a temperature output which the adxl345 doesn't have (at least that is my interpretation of the datasheets). The price difference isn't that significant to affect my choice, so I'm leaning towards the bosch sensor, but one thing I'm not clear on is whether the noise in its readings is random or not - as in the analog device's sensor they state the noise is gaussian and uncorrelated and so multiple readings or readings from more than one can be averaged out, to help reduce noise - which I've been testing out on two freescale accelerometers to good results, but I can't find any mention of this for the BMA180. 
Anybody know if this is the same case?
Or does anyone have any experience of these two accelerometers and can suggest which might be the better to go with?

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  • T3
    How about vibration resistance?
  • I fell in love with the BMA180 (and its "sister" gyro ITG-3200). Excellent resolution, accuracy, interface, EMI resistance, form factor, and price, all in one package. It's my recommendation no matter what the application.

    Re: noise - it should be gaussian in nature as well - it's essentially an analog sensor (acc or gyro) with an onboard ADC.
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