Dear all,
I have experience with commercial UAV platforms and its applications for ortofotogeneration. I want to invest some time and money for getting into DIY drones for aerial photography, starting with the low-cost Bixler. I have had a Bixler 1.1 one year ago and learned to fly with it until it became damaged beyond repair.
I will place an order with Hobbyking for a new bixler. As I am living in the 'remote' country of Paraguay, it is costly and time consuming for shipping, so I want to anticipate and make sure I order all I need at once, hence enough additional and/or spare parts in order to avoid the interruption of my process of getting into DIY drones in case of the faillure of 1 simple component.
1) I read on some forums, that the original motor/composition of bixler is not enough to get a camera up into the air. Is this correct? I have a Canon and Arduino I want to integrate.
2) What additional/spare parts do you advice me to order in order to have some redundancy in the process of getting into drones?
Looking forward to your comments,
Replies here it is
Hello; I'm living in a more remote country :Argentine ;) , Is there a chance that you buy a Bixler 2 instead of one? It has a little more payload capacity and is nice how it flies.
Thanks for the reply, Are you living in BA? I will consider the Bixler 2. How do you usely get your stuff in to Argentina? You have local stores or do you import?
There is a spanish photogrammetry group, perhaps it's easier for us to discuss there, my english is terrible.
I import from H King, I live in Mar del Plata