I've tried to do a little reading into this and im starting to get a little confused. I've just purchased my plane and hope to get it flying this weekend and im already looking at putting a wireless camera onto it.Im using a Spektrum DX6i DSM 2 transmitter with the Spektrum A6200 Reciever on the 2.4ghz wavelength.After alot of googleing and forum searching I've got myself confused. Some people say that using a 2.4ghz video system with a 2.4ghz controller is absolutely fine with no issues. Others say use a Mhz frequency video system so it wont interfere and will offer better range capabilites.What frequency would be best to use? 1.3Ghz? 2.4Ghz? 5.2Ghz? *Mhz? Im after the best range with minimal or no intereference. Can anyone reccomend a good setup or link me to one. I'm based in the UK so i dont think im restricted by licensing for certain bands (Although if someone could confirm this also that would be good)I appreciate all of your helpCheersTom

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  • In the UK it is illegal to use 900, I believe this is a cell phone frequency. 1.3 is legal but not for airborne transmission and the hardware is supposed to be a bit behind the times. 5.8 requires more specialised antennae I read that a fully reliable setup for this is not really available yet.

    Try this forum for tips http://www.fpvuk.org/forum/index.php
  • Hi Tom,
    I am going through the same process as you and have found much of the same conflicting information about using 2.4GHz for a video system. To be safe it is probably just best to use a different frequency band so there is little or no chance of possible interference.
  • Developer
    Get a 900Mhz from Range Video or DPCav.
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