
  • Yes, it should.  I have flown a quadcopter on X8 code.  I did this because I needed to test something in the X8 code, but did not own one (nor would I want to risk one for a test if I did).

    • Thanks Rob. 

      I ask because I am looking at splitting power top and bottom with separate batteries, but if it didn't inherently cope, there isn't much point in me doing that. 

      Doing my own design power module that ensures the brain is powered from the best battery.



  • Cheers Bojan. 

  • That's known as a Tricopter. It won't yaw without a servo on the tail rotor.
    • an X8 has 8 motors :)

      • Ooops, I was thinking of my Y6 vs my tricopter.
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