Looking to control fleets of 5 or maybe even swarms. I envision some kind of portable device capable of programming and transmitting signals to several drones at once using multiple transmitters.. Really anything with the same result of controlling multiple drones at once is what i'm looking for.


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  • Have you found someone? I need such a person too!
  • Not sure he will answer, he opened a lot of threads around similar topics.

    Have a look at this other one : http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/how-to-get-longest-flight-time-on...

    He says :

    "I want to design an octocopter that will respond to incidences of crime and terrorist attacks. Survey and gather intel and come back to HQ

    I want this Octocopter to carry radioactive/chemical testing equipment and have a flight time of 45 mins"

    So basically he wants to control a swarm of drones containing radioactive material or other chemicals. Doesn't sound good :)

  • Moderator

    I might be able to help you.  I'm working on the same thing now.  I have found a way to swarm 3DR Solo's using ROS.

  • I've just written a blog post describing how the command and control of the swarm might work.

  • Hi Rafi,

    There are a few discussions on here, such as Multiple pixhawks communicating to single Ground Control Station. We're building the capability into our next Wing GCS, but haven't got very far in terms of testing yet. SungTae Moon has demonstrated some impressive capabilities using his own ground controller software.


  • Moderator

    I'm actually working on this right now using re purposed 3DR Solos and other drones using Pixhawk and WiFi T915mhz telemetry.  We're also adding 4G LTE Support.  I work as a Developer Advocate for Qualcomm.   If you would like to collaborate on doing this please let me know.   Our application is related to Search and Rescue.

    I am also working with a customer and UgCS and an application called Drone Dance Controller.  If you're in the US and would like to collaborate please let me know.   UgCS Enterprise and DDC are proprietary software that are expensive.  

    I've been working on SAR applications for a few years and you may have heard of some of them:



    The project I started was even mentioned in the US Senate:  http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/responders-turn-drones-save-lives-4...

    One of the things we would like to be able to demonstration is using swarms for drones that can cover a wide area with only a few operators.  The best candidate is UgCS, but unfortunately their software is very expensive.

    Drones have already saved 51 lives.  Most of the tools were field expedient (aka: jury rigged)

    Properly equipped drones over general purpose drones will yield better results.  Our plan is to offer the entire drone design as Open Source using 3D Printed parts and carbon tubing.  If you're interested in participating please let me know.   I live in South Florida.

  • Is it for short range (< 5 km) or long range ?

  • Hi Rafi,

    There could be a number of ways to do this. One of the easiest and reliable way is through FlytBase Cloud. You can watch this video to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1LCnrAt--o  

    You can reach out to us at support@flytbase.com . We will be happy to help you.

  • Is there a specific application you have in mind - if they eventually swarm, I presume you want one to be a master, and the others to perhaps follow (at safe range) of the master and peers? There'd need to be some intelligence to the cooperative nature of the swarm - I expect that could be quite involved, and would depend on what sensing tech is used to get relative position. Using gps alone - they'd have to be spread quite far to avoid collision I'd imagine..
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