Wireless telemtry - getting started without it?

Hey guys,


I'm starting a new project, building my own quad copter design, and would like to base it on the arducopter. However, I won't have the funds to get the XBee kit to start with. What sort of features can I have without it? Is it possible to change to altitude/position hold and back to manual just by using the RC controls?



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  • And yes, there's a way to change the flight modes in flight with the radio. Check this link in the wiki manual, at the bottom there's another link for a tutorial on how to build your own 6 position switch. Hope this have helped.


  • Hello, an alternative to XBee are the apc220 modules. They are much cheaper (you can look at ebay). You won't get the same baud, and less range, but for the arducopter I think they'll be a good alternative for your initial flights at sight !

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