Wobling hexa


I just finished the arduhexa with "standard" configuration (MK hexa frame, 28-30 1000kv RC-Timer, 30AESC RC-Timer, 10x4,5 props, AC2 2.0.49 defalut config.

All works quite ok, but machinery wobling... but not about it. I tryed to change the PID's in APM Planner,  last wersion. I can change the STABILIZE ROLL and STABILIZE PITCH but if Im trying to change any otcher value, the program keeps displaying "SET_RATE_PIT Failed" (PIT, ROLL, etc). Any idea what is going on...?

I mention, that all hardware seting are properly set and connection is fine.

By the way, maby open the separate discussion where we can share our successfull PID's...


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  • Developer

    This version of the mission planner requires your switch to be in CLI mode to change those params. That;s a bug that will be fixed in the next revision.


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