Wrong Pitch & Roll Angle Values


My plane autonomously climbed to 1700 meters on LOITER UNLIMITED mode 400 meters far from me. Then I switched to RTL.

Plane started to descend smoothly and return to me. (It was over me already.)

After starting descend, at one point, nose dived apprx. 90 degrees. And continued to descend like that.

When nearing RTL altitude, it corrected its nose and pitch&roll vaules returned to acceptable.

Nothing happened, plane came to me perfect but why did it dive?

On OSD screen it shows Roll 46, Pitch -7 degrees while diving. It is wrong.


Is it normal? Is it an accelerometer/gyro/gravity issue?

Please help.

You can watch the full video here.



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  • Hi,

    ArduPlane does steep climbs and descents in RTL. It is made that way. If you want to limit it, make your min. and max. pitch angle limits smaller.

    I think the angles are OK. The definition of pitch, roll, yaw are: Starting with plane level and pointing to the North, first turn it around local==global vertical axis by yaw angle. Then, pitch it (rotate around local X axis) by the pitch angle. Finally rotate around local (not global) Z axis by the roll angle. Looking at your picture, it does look like a plane that has had its nose pointed 7 degrees down and then rolled (local axis!) about 45 degrees to the right.



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