I got my X-CAM A10 3-axis gimbal and it worked sorta OK out of the box. However, when I hooked up the tilt and pan control I noticed the speeds were different in the directions: tilt down = fast, tilt up = slow. Pan left=fast, pan right = slow.
So I went into the config utility to attempt to set these setting to more acceptable values and see how to the other modes can be used (head lock, horizon lock etc). However after having twiddles some values the gimbal went into insanity mode. Just jibbering everywhere!
I reset that value using the 'initialise values' button and the jibbernig stopped, except when the system is moved fast or tilted to a high degree, then it goes back into that crappy jibbering mode, and only levels back out in 30 secs or so. A screen shot of the current setting is attached.
Also tried the auto calibration knob btw but that just sends it into another jibbering dance for a long time with no 'calibration' evident. The lack of a real manual also doesnt help.
Any ideas welcome.....
That pixhawk output does not work yet. Not supported as of yet.
You could try to hook this up to the PWM channels: http://www.goodluckbuy.com/index.php?target=products&product_id...
If you use taranis first put receiver in mode 4: http://www.fpvblog.com/rctech/how-to-bind-x8r-to-the-frsky-taranis-...
this makes the s-bus of the receiver go to the pixhawk, then use the PWM outputs from the receiver to create a new s-bus output using said dongle.
This should give you full features control over the X-cam. I've just received the dongle though and have not tried it yet.
Your info is very helpful... Thank you.
So mine didn't go as expected but figured out a way to make it work... how did you make out?
I just received my X-CAM A10 3-axis gimbal last night, going to hook it up tonight. How did you patch it into and configure your PixHawk?
no need to hook it up to the pixhawk, it has its own gyro's. If you want to control pan an tilt manualy from the xmitter you must hook those inputs up to two PWM outputs on your receiver.
hello DJRevMoon ,
i am trying for 2 months to get also pan control ...
do you have a picture or drawing or something were i can see how you wired your pan and tilt all at the same time ? whitout using sbus !
you would seriousley help me !!!
thanks man
greets remco
On the receiver, you need two channels, so the red wire is one channel, the white one the other. Black is ground.
On the receiver it looks like this:
thanks verry much for your reply !!
i got only tilt working so i think when i wire it up like you it must work !
i use for my hexa a turnigy 9XR and i have a old turnigy 9X i want to use for the pan and tilt function.
for the 9x i bought Orange R920X reciever and Orange RX DSMX/DSM2/Devo 2.4 Ghz selectable transmitter
again thanks for the information with the pictures !!
cheers !
well if you need more help just contact me on ralph@tink.org we'll sort it out. Remco klinkt vrij nederlands dus daar komen we wel uit.
whaha bedankt , dat hebbie goed inderdaad !
zit nu te denken , heb 8 kanalen en ga er 9 gebruiken ... moet ik voor 1 kanaal een extra transmitter gebruiken . waarschijnlijk krijgt mijn inklapbaar onderstel zijn eigen afstand bediening