X450 any good

Hi all,

 have been looking around for a cheap quadframe as I am a complete newbie to all this and have been looking for a cheap quadframe, as I don't want to crash a super expensive quad. I have come up with this, its an x450 frame from foxtech hobby. I don't expect the quality to be super high considering the price, but would it be good as a start point?


they also do a pack with motors props and esc which seems to be good


Would this with APM 2 make a good setup? Thoughts?

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  • I would advise against a frame such as that if this is your first quad. Main reason being that you are going to crash, there's no way around it when you're first learning. I am a huge advocate of cheap and simple to repair frames.

    This X525 V3 on eBay is a good example of that. You can replace whatever aluminum or fiberglass arms it comes with and use 10mm bass or pine wood which you can purchase at your local hobby shop or hardware store for a few bucks. It's cheap and can be swapped out in a matter of minutes at home or in the field, not to mention that using wooden arms helps cut down on vibration from your motors. Combine this with some hexTronik DT750 Brushless Outrunner 750kv motors which you can fix directly to the wooden arms with zip ties via THIS method which David explains in his Tricopter V2.5 build log, and you now have motors with a breakaway system to protect them, your arms, and your props in the event of a crash. This is an EXTREMELY good setup for beginners and you can always use your main hardware (motors, ESC's etc.) in a later more complex build.

  • I am a noob myself, but have been looking at these frames.  After a bit of research (about a month), I think these are some of the finest quality small frames built.  I have my eye on that same frame!  I say pull the trigger!

    Experienced flyers??

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