Hi Guys,

Im having an issue with a mid sized frame X8 configuration.

It will at random start to do a 45 degree roll oscillation which even when switching back from loiter to alt hold to stability mode continues. Becoming difficult to fly and even land and i can fly well. 

I have tuned P and D terms with no oscillations, can anyone look over the logs to see if their is anything obvious happening.

The copter also yaws right much better then left. The is much more overshoot to the left, up to 180 to 270 degree if you rotate at max speed then let the stick go. I have tuned the P value to max, i cant go any higher and also both the I and D. 

The flight controller is in the centre of rotation axis and all speed controllers where calibrated at once using mission planner and all start at the same time. 3691269799?profile=original


Where is the best place to upload log file as it is 9MB and limit here is 7?

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