Xbee's Refuse To Communicate

I have my ArduPilot (running ArduPilot_EasyStar_V23) setup with an Xbee Series 2 on the Adafruit adapter board, with RX going to TX on the ArduPilot, 5v going to the special 5v Pin on the ArduPilot, and Gnd to Gnd.On the other end, I have my ArduStation (running ArduStationV12) with a congruent (<<< :/ ) Xbee Series 2. They do not communicate, how can i start transmitting data? My Ardustation remains with 0's and both end's ASC LED's light up, but not the RSS LED'sThanks-Austin

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  • 3D Robotics
    You need to set up both Xbees to run at the same baud rate and the same Network ID. The ArduPilot manual walks you through the necessary steps.
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