XUAV Empty weight

Hello, it's my first post on DIYdrones.

I plan to build an UAV Plane for photogrammetric purpose.

As I like compute, calculate and plan before build, I try to compile the mains characteristics of the planes frames.

One major char which is not provide by manufacturers and resseler is the empty weight, I try to find polars but I think I dream !

So, could you, please, provide me the empty weight of the WUAV Clouds ?

And, if some of you have the empty weight of :

- XUAV Talon Max

- XUAV Beatles


One An other question, what do you think about the MFM new foam used by XUAV ?

Do you think it's durable, robust and good for my goal ?

Thanks ! Michel

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  • Did you find it ?

    I'm also interested in xuav clouds empty weight !

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