XYZ Horizon sensors

I am just wondering if there is something I could make that could act as a box for the sensors so incase they were to get some water spray on them they wont be effected. The reason I am asking is I read some where on here but now cant find the post that if even a drop gets on them it would cause a crash. I am planning on flying soon in an area where there could be the slim chance of that happening and want to be prepared if I can. I was thinking of possibly some kind of box with thing plastic covering the sensor but I am pretty sure that would effect how they work. Thanks for any input on this.

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  • 3D Robotics
    Sure, you could put them in a box, but the problem with the water is not it getting in the electronics but rather than IR absorption of water droplets. Even if you put them in a box with windows, if water got on the windows it would have the same effect. A little mist won't cause a problem but a raindrop on the lens is going to throw everything off.
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