Yaw problem

My copter does not respond to yaw input correctly, and while it does rotate it also drops an arm while its doing so.

All of my props are correctly placed and setup, my engines are functioning, the copter is stable.

Any ideas as to why this might be happening?


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  • Bump?

    could really use some help with this issue.

  • Off the top of my head, you might have an arm/motor which is not straight, causing a yaw thrust.

    Or, what is your Thr_Min parameter?  I wonder if while you are trying to yaw, that your motors actually stop, so the arm drops until the pitch/roll controller throttles up to correct it.  I was set the copter out, arm it, and throttle up just the minimum amount you can, and then enter yaw or pitch/roll commands.  If any of the motors stop, you have a problem.

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