Yaw Problem different left and right.

I have a strange problem.

When I yaw right the Y6 is smooth and nice but when I yaw left the Y6 do not do anything with little stick movment, when the rudder stcik is 50% left the Y6 Jumps left ca 30-40 degrees and altitude incresses with 40cm.

But the headding is rock solid when the Y6 is still, and rotating right, it is perfect.


Firmware 2.0.39 also the same problem with: 2.0.37

Frame Y6

Hardware: Ardu pilot mega, compass, sonar.

4Cell battery

Motors 650Kv

Propellers 3 blade 9x5


Adding log form a flight.

01-08-11 10-26 1.zip

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  • i'll "kidnap" this thread, as i have very similar issue

    setup: y6 frame; tried with mk esc's and openpilot 30A simonk esc's; two sets of motors (t-motor); tried both 12/3.8 apc and 14/4 xoars.

    when i use mk on the frame all is fine. with arducopter though yaw'ing results in significant ascend or descend of "tail rotor" and copter itself. and i mean it - significant. as long as i am yaw'ing gently and slowly - everything's fine. but if i do a bit stronger movement - it really "jumps" or "falls" (i don't recall now which direction resulted which movement in particular, but it is strong)

    motors are aligned, i have tried with 2 different sets of escs, i have tried with 2 different sets of motors and i have tried with 2 different flight controllers. mk is okay, arducopter (2.8.1 and purple board, apm2.0) is giving me this headache..

    it should be something in the "mixing", but i wonder whether it is something that i need to "tune out" or it is some general y6 problem?

    thank you in advance,

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A6H4kUMxLk


    Here is a video of the mortor output

    You can se the motors are running different.

    The frame is aligned. is this a motor ESC problem?

  • I have now buildt up anoter Y6 frame

    Still same problem.

    All parts ar new icluded the ardupilot.

    Only my RX is the same as with the first Y6.


    Any tips or hints?

  • Developer
    The uneven Yaw is usually telltale sign the frame is not perfectly in alignment. One motor is tilted and is stealing power from CW and giving it to CCW. Or vice versa.
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