Yaw problems in MP radio set up

Hi all,

I'm reposting this discussion hoping to get a response.  I uploaded 2.5.5 after erasing eeprom on APM2, and when I went to the radio calibration screen, the Yaw "bar" value was at 1640 (off center to the right) without any inputs from my TX. When I pushed my yaw stick all the way left and right, the low value was 1257 and high was 1865 (the trims on my TX are all centered and endpoints are set at -100% and +100%).  With these values I was unable to arm APM by pushing yaw all the way right.  I had to reset the TX endpoints on channel 4 to -125% and +125%, and now I was able to arm my motors, but the hexa aggressively yaws counterclockwise.  I pushed my yaw trim on my TX all the way right to keep the hexa still, but all of this is quite unnecessary and irritating to say the least.  Is this a problem in the 2.5.5 code or am I missing something?  Please advise. Thanks.


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  • Moderator
    Please post your params file
  • Moderator
    And never trim yaw
  • Moderator

    Hi James, as I said in the last post I have 1260 to 1800 and have no problems? I would recommend setting all endpoints to 100% and then re-calibrate in mission planner, even if the values were 1400 to 1500 this would be accounted for? If you follow these instructions you will probably find it works fine? If it doesn`t we will have to look into it a bit deeper? Let me know how you get on?

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