Yawless Noob

I have completed my hexacopter and worked through the various problems, until now.

I am running 2.9.1.b, have a DX7s with ar8000. The copter has no yaw control and when it lifts off it rotates counterclockwise...not aggressively, but still there. I cannot control the yaw at all. In the radio set-up I am getting a response that indicates yaw control is getting to the APM 2.5. When I run CLI and move the sticks I am getting a response. It has been three days of trouble shooting so I thought I would ask. Please help!

I have triple checked my prop rotation and orientation, binded and binded again and calibrated the accelerometer several times.

Thanks for any help.

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  • It is required to ask... Is your TX in ACRO (airplane) mode? This would be more likely if you are crashing. I suspect you are OK but...

    What airframe is this? If one, or more, of your motors is mounted off flat, you could induce yaw. Not likely but, we have seen it here before. Also you did not specifically state that you can control it, which is your reported problem.

    Do not lose hope...especially if someone starts asking you "How much have you spent on this project?"

    We will help you through this but may have to ask questions that has you plowing over previous soil.

    Troubleshoot on!


  • I would start by confirming correct calibration of the DX7 via Mission Planner, paying particular attention to the yaw (rudder). You should see the bar moving appropriately and see sensible numbers. If it looks fishy there, check that the "rudder" output cable from the AR8000 Rx is correctly connected to the APM (make sure the pins are in the right holes, not offest a notch, that happens...). You might go further and plug a loose servo into the Rx rudder output and confirm that it is driven as commanded by the DX7. If not, the problem would, obviously, be in the Rx or the Tx. If it all works up through the Rx then you might try a different RX to APM cable. Beyond that I suppose the problem could be in the APM, but that's not something I can help with here.   

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