unable to throttle.

Hi all 

I'm using a APM 2.5 and I am unable to get the throttle to work no matter what I do, vie tried disabling pre-arm checks to disable and ARM_CHECKS=0 still nothing!,

I cannot perform a "FULL" radio calibration on MP (Mission Planner) as the throttle stick value stays at the same PWM value no matter what I do. 

I have checked that the radio is working, I checked the PWM value from the FRYSKY X8R pin-3 (throttle) it has a PWM signal on my oscilloscope that varies as  move the throttle to max and min, so its NOT a wiring issue its a software issue. 

Can someone please, please help me! its been 2 days of struggling and late nights and I don't have coffee left for another day for this :)  




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  • Is this using a Taranis? If so, I posted a config over at rcsettings.com called Arducopter-4S which you could use as a starting point.

    How do you have the radio receiver connected to the APM?  Is it via a single lead and CPPM or one for each channel?

    According to your calibration screen and the log, your radio is outputting a very low (fail-safe triggering level) value constantly for that channel.  Are you sure you don't have a "throttle hold" switch set up or something like that?

    You have to get the radio calibration screen working first.  Don't try to fly until you see full range inputs there.

    You can try connecting a servo to that output on your receiver and test with it also.  The only explanation I can think of after your scope test is the throttle-hold switch which may have been turned off when you connected the scope. I assume you already have the channels set up in AETR order if you're using CPPM (like the APM expects).

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