I have been developing a quadcopter from scratch for a while and I am really at the edge at the moment. The reason is that I just cant find the correct values which will make it stabilize and Control Theory is not my background.
Since I think this is the forum for this matter, I would appreciate any advices.
General Information:
I am using an Arduino Mega ADK for controlling it, XBee as radio communication, a 3-d printed frame.
Arduino's pwm frequency is 200Hz, which is acceptable from ESCs (the ones from 3DR with SimonK firmware, motors are from 3DR as well). PID runs at 200Hz as well.
I am getting (correct) yaw pitch roll angles from a MPU6050, using Digital Motion Processing.
I have also tested 3 different PID libraries.
Best results so far are the ones that make the quad stabilize in 1 axis, when I have it mounted on a proper platform for this purpose. The same PID values are not working properly when I try to take off on free-mode.
I have developed the backbone of the code using some already developed libraries.
Software is tested and working, except the PID implementations since I don't know how to evaluate them.
If there are kind people who are willing to help, I can upload photos or videos or give more information.