Zoom Camera to be Fitted to Gimbal

Hi, if I may ask a basic question please.

If I am buying a specific zoom camera online that is said to fit the gimbal for the drone, then (taking into account that I am a total novice), then are the camera functions on the drone usually controlled via Wifi? meaning the camera itself states it can be operated via remote via wifi, BUT will that wifi range be far enough to control the camera when fitted to the drone or am I missing something ie. is there some other mechanism that is usually used to control the new camera when fitted to the drone?

This zoom camera does not come with the drone. I want to fit this zoom camera to the drone, but worried about how it will function and how to control it, therefore I asking if it is usually via the wifi (it has wifi function) that cameras are controlled, but if so, then surely the range will be limited?

Thank you very much for all your advice

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