They are offering a multi-spectral camera for about $6500/- a piece and I wonder if anyone has used it and what your thoughts are
Here is the brochure
They are offering a multi-spectral camera for about $6500/- a piece and I wonder if anyone has used it and what your thoughts are
Here is the brochure
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I agree with Yun Tak on most points, but I definitely understand the appeal of trying to limit the amount of raw images. It comes down to a tradeoff. Personally, I prefer 10% more pictures, but longer flights.
Either way, that's a fantastic looking gimbal. Nice work!
Here are some tests I did this summer over a potatoes trials site, I flew three flights with a quadcopter using Canon cameras and one flight with a plane using the MicaSense RedEdge3 camera. One benefit of using the RedEdge3 camera is you have the ability to produce visible images from the Red Green and Blue channels, or vegetation indicies from a combination of channels, so just one flight and your done.
Canon S110 standard visible camera
1= Blue (480 nm), 2 = Green (560 nm), 3 = Red (670 nm), 4= Red Edge (720 nm), and 5 = Near IR (840 nm).
Since my work this summer two firmware updates have been released, so I am confident that by next spring the RedEdge3 camera will be even better and is my opinion good value, even though the free data processing trials have ended and you must pay for each job that is processed by ATLAS.
Keith, thanks for posting this. I have a Micasense Red Edge acquired too late in the season last year to get more than two flights so I have a lot to learn about it. For research purposes I have an aircraft set up to carry the Red Edge, a Canon 110 converted by MaxMax, and a Canon 130 RGB all capturing data simultaneously.
Please keep us posted with your results as you can.
IMP Concepts has a Micasense Rededge Mount for Solo and X8. X8 Adapter can be used for a variety of Platforms. the mount itself can be seen on the FB Mapping Group. Or email IMP concepts at for more information.
Whaaaaaat??! Ian, I just messaged you on facebook 2 weeks ago looking for a RedEdge mount for the solo!
Email me and I will send you some model pics. Or go to the mapping & geomatics Group on FB.
Hi Ian Soler,
I'm very interested in purchasing a MicaSense RedEdge3 mount for my 3DR X8+ and my 3DR Solo. What is the process for securing such mounts?
Best regards,
- Craig Thompson
Here is the link to my web site, they are all on there:
Hi Ian,
Your website appears to be down...
- Craig