Hi everybody
We are a licensed UAV operator in Australia and looking to add a fixed wing drone to our fleet of multi-copters.
We would really like some of your feedback to your actual flight performance of the fixed wing tav you are operating. At the moment we are looking between the Quest UAV and the Aeromao 300.
We would like to have an endurance in excess of an hour as we will be mainly flying large sites.
Thank you in advanced for your input its much appreciated
Hoverscape; Here is Aerodyca furbishing UAV's for professional purposes and now they are using Pikhawk; the airplanes are fiberglass, very durable; take a look http://www.aerodyca.com/ looks at UAV's and mini UAV's, they build one like skywalker but glassfiber but I don't know if they discontinued.
I recommend Lynx M http://swiftradioplanes.com/lynx-uas/
A bit more expensive but there is a reason for it. 3hours endurance and rugged design, Pixhawk included. Something that will last more than those foam designs..
We are currently flying an Event 38 E384 fixed wing UAV. It is based on the Skywalker platform, can stay aloft for about 100 minutes if you are careful with energy, will comfortably lift a Canon S110 for optical or NDVI imagery, and uses the PixHawk FC so will work with Mission Planner and supposedly 3DR's Tower app though we've not tried that yet.
The cost is very reasonable and we decided to go with the E384 over some more "polished" platforms as we can buy three E384s for the cost of one AgEagle, for example.
Thanks David
I think we are looking for something a little stronger then to foam. Do you find you have to replace parts often?
I think the 10mps wind limit would restrict our operation. But thank you for the info
p.s.the new tower app does look impressive
I've had several hard landings and all damage was fixed with welder's glue. The EPO foam is remarkably durable.
Our next purchase is probably the PrecisionHawk Lancaster - more power, more payload options.
I've not found 10mps to be a real issue. Landing in anything higher than that gets really interesting.