I'm using MAPIR right now, literally. Flying as small vineyard. I've been holding off on a blog until I can compare it to my s100, but the new s100 is having issues. I keep saying this, but I'll post one soon with sample images and stitches.
MarioSpeedwagon > Phil EllerbroekSeptember 9, 2015 at 9:55am
Hey Phil,
I'd like to hear more from you on this, if you're willing to keep it public. My interest in the Tau2 wasn't for agriculture, but I was curious about it's use in that area.
Could some of the issues with the Tau2 (or the adaptive cooling, specifically) be used to display high environmental exposure areas of the field?
Are you saying that NIR/SWIR sensing is a better option?
I just got a Flir Tau and have been working on setting it up for the firefighting project, but I am also working on a downward facing mount for using it for crops. Soybeans is actually one of my test fields I fly all the time. No real experience yet with it, but it's in the works. I'm planning on disabling FFC and trying to do a structure from motion stitch with the Tau, not sure how well it will work. I'm sure there are better ways to obtain imagery from the Tau, but I'm not there yet.
I believe Flir is making an announcement this week or next week about their Vue line.
Jose F Moreno > MarioSpeedwagonSeptember 9, 2015 at 9:15am
Thanks, I did some testing with a Phantom2 (RGB and NIR cameras) last year, but found stitching as a limiting factor, so this year I plan to go with a manned aircraft, this way I get 1 single picture for an entire (average size) field. Godwilling I´ll have some images taken in 2 or 3 months from now.
Stitching was a limiting factor for the RGB and NIR? I do have examples of soybeans with NIR, but not with LWIR/Thermal yet.
My Tau also has a 19mm lens, so not the ideal setup.
Edit- Can't upload .tif files I guess...
max may > MarioSpeedwagonSeptember 13, 2015 at 11:50am
when you write that 19mm lens is not the ideal setup, well, for me it has twice the sensittivity of the 38 mm lens . "pixels on target" increase with a smaller lens. If distance is not important, then a smaller lens has a better sensitivity. Isn't 19mm the ideal setup when distance is not important ? (in my case)
Thanks Phil, interesting thoughts, I was aware about wind issues. But I still gonna try, then let you guys know what I find.
Hey Phil,
I'd like to hear more from you on this, if you're willing to keep it public. My interest in the Tau2 wasn't for agriculture, but I was curious about it's use in that area.
Could some of the issues with the Tau2 (or the adaptive cooling, specifically) be used to display high environmental exposure areas of the field?
Are you saying that NIR/SWIR sensing is a better option?
Thank you
Hey Jose,
I just got a Flir Tau and have been working on setting it up for the firefighting project, but I am also working on a downward facing mount for using it for crops. Soybeans is actually one of my test fields I fly all the time. No real experience yet with it, but it's in the works. I'm planning on disabling FFC and trying to do a structure from motion stitch with the Tau, not sure how well it will work. I'm sure there are better ways to obtain imagery from the Tau, but I'm not there yet.
I believe Flir is making an announcement this week or next week about their Vue line.
Thanks, I did some testing with a Phantom2 (RGB and NIR cameras) last year, but found stitching as a limiting factor, so this year I plan to go with a manned aircraft, this way I get 1 single picture for an entire (average size) field. Godwilling I´ll have some images taken in 2 or 3 months from now.
Stitching was a limiting factor for the RGB and NIR? I do have examples of soybeans with NIR, but not with LWIR/Thermal yet.
My Tau also has a 19mm lens, so not the ideal setup.
Edit- Can't upload .tif files I guess...
when you write that 19mm lens is not the ideal setup, well, for me it has twice the sensittivity of the 38 mm lens . "pixels on target" increase with a smaller lens. If distance is not important, then a smaller lens has a better sensitivity. Isn't 19mm the ideal setup when distance is not important ? (in my case)