I've been working with UAV imagery (NIR and VIS) for monitoring sugarcane's post-harvest behavior in Guatemala. The images are uncalibrated and I'm using raw DN numbers for extracting NDVI and other VIs. The main purpose of the flights and analysis is count (or estimate, at least) the number of plants per row in the field. At this post-harvest stage, grass-type weeds and broad-leaf weeds are growing too, which makes the use of uncalibrated images a little bit tricky.
Anyone else working with this kind of stuff and having some experience dealing with crops and weeds during early stages of the plant?
In your case I'm interested to here what you find- would you mind updating this forum page when you get more progress?
I've also seen OBIA (object based image analysis) with ecognition software to differentiate weeds from crops ....however this doesn't work for the weeds in the seedling rows.
You are in good hands with Phil, he is a great source of information.
That palm count example reminds me of that thesis about palm segregation from satellite pictures :-)
You can "count" on us...... ;/
Good morning Phil:
Thanks for the reply, I will try to get in touch with you tonight via Skype.