Hello all, new to the forum here :-)

I'm a technologist and recreational pilot flying the DJI Phantom 3.

I've just written a post on the effect of the new Canadian drone rules on recreational uses and early stage application developers that may be of interest to people on the forum here.


It was driven originally by some mapping visualization based on aerodrome data I acquired. In addition to the post above, you can use the map yourself to see the Canadian aerodrome restrictions in your area at https://dronebanmap.ca

Snapshots of few major metro areas are included below. Until I actually rendered the data I hadn't realized just how completely the new rules exclude flying in all of Greater Vancouver and other Canadian metro areas. Most people I've shown the maps to are shocked.










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  • Yes, 'shock' is a good word.

    It will get doubly shocking (literally) if the new regs coming soon include Transport Canada's suggestion that they may opt to increase the radius of those circles from 5 nautical miles to 11.

    It's one of the possibilities under consideration, according to them.

    The good news is you're exempt if you fly at a MAAC-sanctioned field (which of course can be very limiting).

    My field in the Greater Toronto Area is directly under the flight circuit of a small regional airport - light planes pass directly overhead at only a few hundred feet all the time (they're so close that I initially assumed that, surely, we had to land when we saw them coming, but apparently not).


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