Telemetry over ethernet

Dearest fellows!

Considering the teritary goal of this group:

              >>>"Tertiary goal: High speed IP for streaming IP video over cellular 3G/4G"

The obvious solution is a device that has features an LTE modem and has both serial (RS232) and Ethernet interfaces (for telemetry and video over IP) -- These a mostly industrial devices at massive cost.

Such devices may include the FatBox HSUPA --- Which is now out of production; 450g stock; ~USD500


Or the IPn4Gb --- Still ultra expensive


What I am hoping may work is a consumer product --- An ethernet to LTE modem --- Smaller; cheaper

Such devices may include:



IP video will work well but the obvious problem is that there is no serial interface for telemetry from the APM/Pixhawk!

My question thus is whether it would be possible (and simple) to add some hardware that will allow for serial over ethernet over LTE?

The serial over ethernet devices I have seen seem to require running virtual com port software on a PC in order to extract the serial signal. I seek a simple solution in which full duplex serial communication can take place over ethernet running over LTE.

Many many thanks in advance. This could be much fun indeed! :)

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  • Can anyone offer a solution using the following components:

      >> IP camera with ethernet interface

      >> Pixhawk

      >> Ethernet-to-TTL-module

      >> LTE Modem -

      >> Mission Planner running on laptop with broadband internet access

    The Pi and Beagle Bone solutions are well described but the multitude of components and experience needed are prohibitive for some.

    I seek a plug-configure-play solution... (I belive it may be cheaper as well)


    3JTech homepage-3G router, 3G modem, 4G router, 4G modem, Load balancing, FWT, Fixed Wireless termi…
    3G router, 3G modem, 4G router, 4G modem, Load balancing, FWT, Fixed Wireless terminal, Bluetooth access point, 3G access point, 4G access point. Blu…
  • Perhaps you could offer us the same short description of components and essential configuration for a Pi-based solution... :)

  • Hi

    i'm using this converter with a Raspberry Pi and it works great. Rpi has a 3g usb modem

    • This looks great!! Sadly my skill set is more apt for heavy electrics (transformers)....

      Would you be so kind as to describe (very briefly) how I would utilize the following components to achive the tertiary objective of this group, namely, "High speed IP for streaming IP video over cellular 3G/4G" & [Full Duplex Telemetry]:

        >> IP camera with ethernet interface

        >> Pixhawk

        >> Ethernet-to-TTL-module

        >> LTE Modem -

        >> Mission Planner running on laptop with broadband internet access

      I believe we would then have the most simple solution (appropriate for those who lack the skills necessary for Raspberry Pi) to the tertiary problem.

      There would no doubt need to be some DDNS setup and Port forwarding at the LTE modem....

      Thanks so much for your insight!

      3JTech homepage-3G router, 3G modem, 4G router, 4G modem, Load balancing, FWT, Fixed Wireless termi…
      3G router, 3G modem, 4G router, 4G modem, Load balancing, FWT, Fixed Wireless terminal, Bluetooth access point, 3G access point, 4G access point. Blu…
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