Ahmet Coşgun's Posts (1)

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Me and my friend Alperen Akküncü have been working on an open-source INS/GNSS system for a while. We came up with an open-source INS/GNSS module for implementing various navigation algorithms. Out of the box, It’s shipped with its default algorithm which is discrete architecture loosely coupled EKF/NCF. Pellicanus has castellated pins which makes it easy to integrat into your own projects or you can use the development board to play with algorithms that we provide or your own navigation algorithm.

Recently we started the pre-launch on CrowdSupply. Here is the link to our page if you want to subscribe:


Pellicanus integrates the following components into a tiny SMD module:

  • RP2040 MCU
  • ROM
  • Barometer
  • IMU (gyro and acccelerometer)
  • Magnetometer
  • GNSS
  • Antenna connector


This is 2D KiCAD view of Pellicanus SMD module. Its small size allows you to integrate it into your projects easily.

Features & Specifications

  • Accelerometer Meas Range: ±2 g, ±4 g, ±8 g, ±16 g
  • Gyro Meas Range: ±250 dps, ±500 dps, ±1000 dps, ±2000 dps
  • Mag Meas Range: ±8 gauss
  • Operation Temperature: -40°C to +80°C
  • Gyro Bias Instability: 7-8°/hr
  • Dynamic Heading Accuaricy: ±1°
  • Dynamic Pitch/Roll Accuaricy: ±0.1°
  • Position Accuaricy: ±4 meters
  • Pressure Sensor Meas Range: 300-1200 mbar
  • GNSS position, speed and heading correction

The main processor we use is RP2040 from Raspberry pi which can be programmed with C or micropython. We will be providing many micropython scripts fort he ease of development.

Both hardware and software are open-source sysyem. All of the algorithms and KiCAD Project will be shared on out github page. You can either implement your own algorithm or use our algorithm that we provide.

Here are some 3D pics of Pellicanus



This is the development board for pellicanus. It includes qiwiic connector, sdcard interdace, USB connector, various pins and LEDs.


This system is an INS/GNSS module. It gives you the opportunity to implement and test many algorithms. PELLICANUS is a tactical level system. You can program it with the development board and use it with the development board or in your own bardu.


In addition, It has a GUI where you can test many AHRS and some Navigation algorithms and graph them.


This is the old version of pellicanus. We pivoted a little bit because we want pellicanus to be not only a development board for navigation but also for integrating to actual projects!



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