This is my first endeavor in building a quadcopter. I am building it for a thesis to fly with dronekit python. It's a Flamewheel kit with a pixhawk mini. When I wired it up and plugging the a battery to test, all of the ESCs beep and the motors twitc
I am working on a thesis project involving multiple quadcopters. I'm using dronekit python. As I understand it, the 3DR solo could be used right out of the box with dronekit as it has a pixhawk built in. Does anyone have any experience with this? Tha
I am using dronekit python and the dronekit SITL and after I sent it an RTL command in python when the battery is below level 80, the drone stays in place on APMPlanner 2 and QGroundControl.
Is this normal? One time it actually returned home. But ever