Bobby Russell's Posts (1)

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We took our FPV equipment, put it on a balloon, and sent it up in tandem with Felix Baumgartner.  I'm low on sleep and I'm dealing with News on running the story now but here are some cool pics and basics.  I'll post more as I can tomorrow, but there's a lot more info on our QuestForStars Facebook page


1. ServoCity: Using the pt785/985 hybrid to move 1.2ghz 13db yagi and 23cm/33cm 14.5dbc Antenna

2. EagleTree: OSD Pro and Elogger, and Eagleeyes

3. GPS: dual Venus 10hz and Byonics GPS4

4. Numerous cameras and a student X-ray experiment for a NASA rocket contest



>> I think we have quite possible set the distance record for FPV video TX/RX.  We flew to 98K feet and a slant range of 85miles before losing video.  Basic home wire Dipole hanging under the payload.


>>You can see the liftoff and a good portion on youtube.  We now realize that venus is high affected by a 1.2ghz xmitter and we'll need a filter on it the VTX to keep Venus happy.  Oddly enough it finally locked but with no GGA.


Pics and more info here.


Time for some sleep--adrenaline from less than 2hrs of sleep a night since friday starting to take a toll.  I'll be back tomorrow.  Enjoy


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