This was an interesting day..
After noticing a friends SU-31 collecting dust in their basement, I asked to borrow the plane for a bit. Journey home, install a receive, download the manual,setup the control throws and expo - easy breasy. However, I did have trouble setting the CG just right and needed alot of weight on the tail which caused me to add the GOPRO which set it perfect - according to the manual.
Fast forward to the field - all setup and ready to go - give it some throttle - boom - blurry video (which I fail to clean). However, that's not the worst part. Final get to take off and this is pretty uneventful, but then I get in the air - super unstable. The CG is completely wrong and the control throws are wrong (luckily not terrible wrong). OK, well I set them to spec so maybe the battery got loose or I lost the camera on takeoff.. After a few minutes I get use to the way-off-CG/control throws and pull off a rather short landing - phew - awkward phone call averted.
So, I check the CG and throws again when it dawns on me, I'm looking at an E-flight manual, but this plane is from Great Planes!
All in all, a very lucky day for me and another lesson learned - and rather cheaply (one broken prop).