Hello, my name is Carlos Orozco, and I am a High School student. My partner and I competed at the Greater San Diego Science Fair this March obtaining a 3rd place, we developed a robot that can assist senior citizens and/or medicine users in a way that the administration of their medicine can be controlled by an autonomous robot.
To build this robot we used an Arduino UNO. We connected a GPS Shield on top of the Arduino UNO an then we connected it to a Rover 5 Motor Driver. We used 4 gear motors and we connected them to the Rover 5 Motor Driver. Then we connected the Rover 5 Motor Driver to the GPS Shield and then we programmed a course that the robot is supposed to follow to deliver the medicine.
We had a lot of trouble with the programming part, if somebody would be willing to help us it would be amazing. The basic goal is to create a GPS coordinates
path to deliver medicine to the user. Some example codes will be above of this blog.
This is the total list of parts we used:
Arduino UNO
Rover 5 Motor Driver
4 GearMotors
12v Battery (For the gearmotors)
9v Battery (For the Arduino UNO)
*If anyone wants the schematics of diagrams just message me.
*Demo Code for the RoboNurse2.0
*The first RoboNurse: http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/robonurse