This project utilises the concept of using the existing APM and configuration tools and a seperate radio link to send back specific telemetry data, in this case depth and a seperate GPS marker so that no code on the APM needs to be changed.
I see this as an advantage doing two links as it means that those that are not comfortable doing a lot of code changes can play round and develop links on the side no matter what form of drone or scientific data add on needs to be applied.
The seperate telemetry unit utilizes a arduino running the new software serial code which time slices between the MTK GPS running at 9600 and a Cruzpro depth sounder running NMEA-0183. The seperate radio link is currently a radiometrix spaceport modem and is sent to a text file. Below is some of the text file sent via the long range modem. The telemetry is untouched for the APM and is sent back via X-bees.
,LAT=,-40.168949 ,LON=,175.363296 ,SAT=,9 ,Depth=,$SDDPT,002.1,*7A
,LAT=,-40.168949 ,LON=,175.363327 ,SAT=,9 ,Depth=,$SDDPT,002.1,*7A
,LAT=,-40.168949 ,LON=,175.363327 ,SAT=,9 ,Depth=,$SDDPT,002.1,*7A
Currently all the links and the code have been tested and the boat (the largest deep V hobby king could provide) arrived yesterday so now we start the hardware.
Pictures below are of the two positions of the two seperate links as they need to be a close match.