Hi ,
The first time when i connected the OSD system , i never received some Mavkink messages without the connection with
ground station. For me was important to have EXT_STAT message ( voltage ,current , sensors..)
I modified the code in MinimOSD to read which message was sent from APM without GCS connection
The rates (frequency ) are set in the EEPROM , but when arducopter load the parameter some still to be zero
In mission planner the rates for telemetry was to default.
SR1_EXT_STAT ( HW..) | 2 |
SR1_EXTRA1 (Attitude) | 2 |
SR1_EXTRA2 (Vfr_hud) | 2 |
SR1_EXTRA3 (ahrs,hwstatus,systemtime,ragefinder) | 2 |
SR1_PARAMS | 0 |
SR1_POSITION (current location) | 2 |
SR1_RAW_CTRL (servo out) | 2 |
SR1_RAW_SENS (ins,compass,barometro) | 2 |
SR1_RC_CHAN (radio in, radio out) | 2 |
I patched the code to inject one gcs_send_text_fmt to read the value stored in streamRates[STREAM_EXTENDED_STATUS] and stopped the others message.
After loaded the firmware , I read in serial monitor the value zero for Stream Rates[STREAM_EXTENDED_STATUS]
I didn't understand why this value was not set to 2hz.
Anyway , to solve this "problem" i changed the default value for EXT_STAT message
Now I can fly without GCS receiving extended status stream in my OSD system