Federico Lolli's Posts (1)

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GTK+ based GCS



Ground Control Station is a GUI based on GTK+, the platform is a quadrotor developed several GTK+ widgets capable of display telemetry data. These widgets are made to look like to real flight instruments in order to allow easy feedbacks for the user/pilot.


-Input Device 3D connexion 6Dof Mouse form manual navigation
-Automatic mode GoTo (coordinate selected on map click)
-Comunication Socket streaming UDP
-GUI Compatible for any Linux machine with GTK+ (Debian Ubuntu ...)
-HUD with Artificial Horizon
-Incorporate GPS map show
-Suppoert mjpeg streaming for augmented reality HUD
-Telemetry control
-Hhow inertial data
-Compatible UAV client FoxG20


The is the first version of the ground control station. In this version, the GUI is devided into 5 tabs. The first one showing the telemtry widgets needed. The second tab is quite the same as gpsd_viewer. The third tab provide an easy show UAV data, the fourth tab show the motor and battery status, and the final tab provide a set the comunication.



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