Glenn Anderson's Posts (1)

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How to succeed without really trying


My quad is flying better than it should.  I almost feel guilty.

I slapped together a frame in a few hours.  I use cheap props mounted on long shafts with cheap collets.  The motors are not precisely aligned to the frame.  The props are not balanced perfectly.  Motor centers form a rectangle not a square.  APM is strapped to the frame.  I never bothered to calibrate compassmot.  CG is not in the center of the frame.


Loiter is freaky solid, missions are as boring as dressage, no fly aways, toilet bowling or any other stability problems.  Gopro video is jello free.  With each new firmware version it just keeps getting better and better.  Holds position in wind well.  I have flown several versions of the firmware on this frame and never had a problem with any of them.  Just Dave C tune and go...

I started to think about why it works.  Some of the ideas may help others designing their own frames.

1. vibration has a very hard time reaching the APM.

2. the power distribution board is located far away from the APM

3 the power distribution board is not an electromagnet printed on a circuit board

4 motor wiring is away from the APM

4 The GPS is located away from the power distribution board, ESCs and wiring

5 The frame is very light so current and therefore magnetic fields are reduced

 Vibration is low.  Around "2" in hover


Even with motors just taped to the frame...


APM is just strapped down with velcro.

Good power distribution method?                                                             Bad power distribution method?


GPS is away from most RF and in null of telemetry antenna.  GoPro on or off does not seem to bother it.  I do shift the battery a little to help balance.


Hope some of the ideas are useful.  This type of frame makes a great EPP "trainer".  There is more info that was posted here:

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