Jonas LISIMA's Posts (1)

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Y4 Copter modification

Hello everyone !!!

I started three months ago in the realization of a Y4Copter completely modify homemade. 

I realized the chassis of my wooden quadcopter of 18mm by 18mm that one finds in the stores of do-it-yourself for the sum of 3 euros, I used aluminum chair seats for assembly and 4mm plywood .

I chose to change the location of the rear engines on my Y4, instead of using the classic layout ie the engines one below the other, I chose to arrange the rear engines One next to the other so as to have a space of 1cm between the helices as shown in the following photos:


                                                                                                                        Y4COPTER MODIFY


The chassis of my Y4COPTER is made to have a distance between

- 310mm on each side

- 370mm at the front

- 220 mm at the rear



Once all the chassis and electronics mounted, I connect my NAZE32 to my computer and I run "cleanflight-configurator" software to install on my computer.

I present a small video Tutorial, showing how to configure cleanflight on a NAZE32.


 Once Cleanflight set up on my NAZE32, I test and set the PID to have a steady and steady flight.


All  settings  must be made in fashion ACCRO 
Choice  PID  CONTROLLER MultiWii (Rewrite)

Adjusting  the "P" LEVEL OF CORRECTION
Starting from the base values  
Lower the I to 10 in order to observe the oscillations more easily. 
Increase the P of the ROLL and of the PITCH until the oscillations the drone becomes uncontrollable. Lower the P gradually so that the oscillations disappear. 

The drone slips all alone from right to left or from front to back. 
Mount the I gradually until obtaining a nice sliding behavior limit to remove it. 
For the aerobatics one will have a I low enough and for the video one will have a rather high I. 
Small trick putting weight on one of the arms of the drone, to see well the changes. 
The I also influence the P, 

it is possible that vibration apparaisser, drop again P. ADJUSTMENT  OF DERIVATIVE "D"
The DERIVATIVE "D" defines the response of the drone, will make the most nervous or softer. 
Decrease "D" to soften reactions 
Increase "D" to make the drone more nervous. 
Increasing D also influences P. Changing the P when vibrations  occur LACET 

Generally set to 8.5 by default, this value is correct.  Increase or decrease the YAW only if spontaneous rotation. Will make it more nervous or softer. Decrease "D" to soften reactions Increase "D" to make the drone more nervous. Increasing D also influences P. Changing the P when vibrations occur LACET SETTING YAW Generally set to 8.5 by default, this value is correct. Increase or decrease the YAW only if spontaneous rotation. Will make it more nervous or softer. Decrease "D" to soften reactions Increase "D" to make the drone more nervous. Increasing D also influences P. Changing the P when vibrations occur LACET SETTING YAWGenerally set to 8.5 by default, this value is correct. 
Increase or decrease the YAW only if spontaneous rotation.




I present a small video of a flight realize with my Y4COPTER MODIFIER

Hello everyone !!!

I started three months ago in the realization of a Y4Copter completely modify homemade. 

I realized the chassis of my wooden quadcopter of 18mm by 18mm that one finds in the stores of do-it-yourself for the sum of 3 euros, I used aluminum chair seats for assembly and 4mm plywood .

I chose to change the location of the rear engines on my Y4, instead of using the classic layout ie the engines one below the other, I chose to arrange the rear engines One next to the other so as to have a space of 1cm between the helices as shown in the following photos:


                                                                                                                        Y4COPTER MODIFY


The chassis of my Y4COPTER is made to have a distance between

- 310mm on each side

- 370mm at the front

- 220 mm at the rear



Once all the chassis and electronics mounted, I connect my NAZE32 to my computer and I run "cleanflight-configurator" software to install on my computer.

I present a small video Tutorial, showing how to configure cleanflight on a NAZE32.


 Once Cleanflight set up on my NAZE32, I test and set the PID to have a steady and steady flight.


All  settings  must be made in fashion ACCRO 
Choice  PID  CONTROLLER MultiWii (Rewrite)

Adjusting  the "P" LEVEL OF CORRECTION
Starting from the base values  
Lower the I to 10 in order to observe the oscillations more easily. 
Increase the P of the ROLL and of the PITCH until the oscillations the drone becomes uncontrollable. Lower the P gradually so that the oscillations disappear. 

The drone slips all alone from right to left or from front to back. 
Mount the I gradually until obtaining a nice sliding behavior limit to remove it. 
For the aerobatics one will have a I low enough and for the video one will have a rather high I. 
Small trick putting weight on one of the arms of the drone, to see well the changes. 
The I also influence the P, 

it is possible that vibration apparaisser, drop again P. ADJUSTMENT  OF DERIVATIVE "D"
The DERIVATIVE "D" defines the response of the drone, will make the most nervous or softer. 
Decrease "D" to soften reactions 
Increase "D" to make the drone more nervous. 
Increasing D also influences P. Changing the P when vibrations  occur LACET 

Generally set to 8.5 by default, this value is correct.  Increase or decrease the YAW only if spontaneous rotation. Will make it more nervous or softer. Decrease "D" to soften reactions Increase "D" to make the drone more nervous. Increasing D also influences P. Changing the P when vibrations occur LACET SETTING YAW Generally set to 8.5 by default, this value is correct. Increase or decrease the YAW only if spontaneous rotation. Will make it more nervous or softer. Decrease "D" to soften reactions Increase "D" to make the drone more nervous. Increasing D also influences P. Changing the P when vibrations occur LACET SETTING YAWGenerally set to 8.5 by default, this value is correct. 
Increase or decrease the YAW only if spontaneous rotation.




I present a small video of a flight realize with my Y4COPTER MODIFIER


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