So I had trouble getting my Pixhawk to arm without the GPS. All the information I found on this site and online about flying in GPS denied environments only applied for Mission Planner and its APM firmware. After doing some digging on the QGROUNDCONT
Alright so I've got the receiver and the transmitter bound together, and the receiver connected to the flight controller and powered on. Thing is, after plugging the flight controller into my computer with USB, Open Pilot GCS doesn't get any input si
Alright so I've got the receiver and the transmitter bound together, and the receiver connected to the flight controller and powered on. Thing is, after plugging the flight controller into my computer with USB, Open Pilot GCS doesn't get any input si
Alright so I've got the receiver and the transmitter bound together, and the receiver connected to the flight controller and powered on. Thing is, after plugging the flight controller into my computer with USB, Open Pilot GCS doesn't get any input si