Hello. I am running MP 1.3.43 and Pixhawk hardware with 3.7.1 firmware.Tonight I had an experience that has not happened before. I was previously running MP 1.3.42 and same Pixhawk 3.7.1 firmware, and when connecting via telemetry radio I get the mes
Hi. I am new to minimosd but have tried to research my question on forum but no luck so far. I would like to know how to get minimosd to show the battery "mah used" value and associated icon instead of the "%" value and lightning bolt icon. I have re
Hello.....I have a Frsky Delta 8 rx which can output PPM on ch1 to my APM 2.6 ch1. The control link is working great.The rx can also ouput PWM rssi, but I am having trouble getting it to appear on MP hud. MP is current at 1.20.97 and APM is current a