SKYSMITH's Posts (1)

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SKYSMITH in Iceland


Iceland has been the perfect testing ground to further develop our SKYSMITH CINEDRONES. The rapidly changing and diversity of the weather systems and terrain have forced us to expedite our evolution to create many more adaptations to make our cinedrones the most hardy and reliable skybeasts! Whether flying over volcanic, glacial or even geyser features the drones new 3rd-axis dampener nullified the need to use post stabilization. The unpredictable climate and geography of Iceland helped us to fully realize the benefits of drones.

Using specialized landing gear we were able to land on precarious glacial features. The drones accessibility and ease of flight allowed us to dodge the prevailing precipitation and wind systems and fly in short spurts in the windows of finer weather. However, it is undeniable that we were subject to the whims of the gods of winds and rain on days where soft breezes would gust immediately to 50-80 km/h. Iceland has left us with much more experience, knowledge and off course spectacular aerial footage, which we believe will carry us far into the future. Takk Iceland for your generosity and adventure.






All the Best,


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