kitemaker Ken's Posts (1)

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An old friend developed a nice Rogallo winged RC plane which he calls the Hawkeye. If interested, you can read about it at his site- test flew the Hawkeye last summer into the fall, until the rains returned to the northwest. It is very portable, easy to fly and designed to carry a camera. Shot lots of video and then realized that I want an autopilot to increase my odds of getting the shots I'm after. I'm game to try an ArduPilot, as its design and open platform appeals to me.

The Hawkeye flies fine with its rudder and throttle controls, being quite stable and impossible, in all my experience, to invert. So, can I assume that I won't need to use a FMA IR stabilizer? Wouldn't know what to control with the FMA Co-Pilot, as there's no elevator or ailerons on this bird. Has anyone successfully flown anything with the ArduPilot and no FMA Co-pilot? Will the current ArduPilot firmware work as designed without a FMA Co-pilot on board, or will I need to rewrite some of the code?All questions, comments, advice or fore warnings will be read, appreciated, and answered, thanks!
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