Current Features- Gyro stabilized flight with separate PID loops for roll, pitch and yaw axes
- PWM update rates to ESC’s increased to 400 Hz
- Single pole low pass filter implementation for reducing sensor noise
- Improved calibration process for gyros and accelerometers
- Additional user defined values able to be saved to EEPROM
- Code restructured to allow for easier user modification
- XBee for long distance communication
- Capability to fly in + or x mode
- Windows configuration application
- Realtime graphs of flight data
- GUI for configuration of PID and other flight parameters
- Auto level flight utilizing low cost 6DOF IMU
- 3 axis magnetometer for heading hold capability
- GPS for transmission of location and determination of altitude
- Custom shield for On Screen Display of live video
- Voltage detection/warning of battery level
- Customizable flight LED display pattern
Site here.
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